First building workshop at Fablab Cottbus
After four months of development, the CitRad sensor is now ready to count vehicles and measure their speed. At the same time, we have largely finalized the building instructions for the sensor and also pushed ahead with the development of the data platform. Now it’s time to check whether our documentation is also comprehensible to outsiders. In a first construction workshop, we want to invite members of Fablab Cottbus e.V., where we developed the sensor unit, to a first test build. We will use the findings from this event to run another optimization loop and then offer further events for all interested parties.
Focus and prerequisites of the first construction workshop
The central basis for data collection is a functioning sensor unit. Therefore, this first event serves primarily to check our building instructions for comprehensibility. The electronics are quite compact in their present form and the necessary soldering work is probably a little too demanding for absolute beginners. We are therefore particularly interested in those who want to help improve the instructions and have soldering experience. Participants may of course use the sensor units produced for initial test measurements. However, they will remain in our possession so that they are available for future measurement campaigns.
Other ways to obtain a CitRad sensor
We will use the experience gained from the first test run to improve our instructions and then offer further construction workshops and announce them accordingly. If you want to have your own CitRad sensor, you can either order the parts yourself (and assemble them with our help) or come along to one of the future workshops and discuss possible options with us.